In Honor Of Tomorrow's Belmont Stakes, The Best Call in Sports History

Sports continue their slow return with the Belmont Stakes tomorrow. There will be no fans in attendance which definitely ruins the fun a bit. Belmont Park is in my hometown of Floral Park so Belmont Stakes Day is basically a national holiday there with a bunch of suburban 20-year-old kids dressing up like they're from the south for a day. 

Anyway, with Belmont being the first leg of the Triple Crown this time, there's obviously no chance for a historic call of a Triple Crown winner. But every Belmont Stakes reminds me of this 2015 call from Larry Collmus when American Pharoah became the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years. The entire call is great, but the best part is in the stretch run that starts around 2:10 in that video. Here's the transcript. 

“And they’re into the stretch, and American Pharoah makes his run for glory as they come into the final furlong. Frosted is second. With one-eighth of a mile to go, American Pharoah’s got a two length lead. Frosted is all out at the sixteenth pole. And here it is! The 37-year wait is over! American Pharoah is finally the one! American Pharoah has won the Triple Crown!”

So many classic lines in there. That's a once-in-a-lifetime type opportunity for a broadcaster, and he absolutely nailed it. I get goosebumps every single time I hear it. Excited to hear him back calling a live race tomorrow. 

PS: A close second

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